Echoes in a seashell
Home is a path we pave
A mirror of the life we crave
In every choice and dream we chase
We find ourselves, we find our place
These images pay homage,
to the people and landscapes that are my origins.
I’ve returned to something my body and emotions recognise.
Why Cyprus?
A personal journey of discovery
Fundamentally it must have something to do with my roots. I was born in the UK to Cypriot parents. I was brought up in the UK but in the Cypriot culture. This multi-culturalism feels natural to me and comfortable. But as we age our roots intrigue us. They become pertinent as we ask what distinguishes us and seek to define our identity. And as those who have anchored us are no longer with us, with time running out, there is a need to reconnect with the people and places we come from, to learn more about our cultural heritage.
Cyprus, that leaf that floats at the far end of the Mediterranean, is my mother’s land - my ‘motherland’. By immersing myself in the island with the help of my camera’s eye I hope to capture its spirit - the Spirit of Cyprus - and so create a photographic mirror that reveals its soul.
At its root, this is a project about identity.